The Ancient Origins of Technology:

Technology is not a passive human discovery or development, it's a form of active spiritual knowledge that, once acquired, can be wielded as primordial power.

Ep 24: Live Simply

A simple life is not about depriving ourselves of earthly joy, comfort, or material possessions. Rather, it is a deliberate choice to reorient our lives toward what truly matters.

Painted Prayers

In sacred silence, icons stand,Windows to that Promised land.By brush and prayer, this holy art,Beckons forth the faithful heart.

Ep 23: On Pentecost

Pentecost is the recreation of the woman, wherein God breathes the Holy Spirit into the body and blood taken from the side of His Son on the cross. The power of the Holy Spirit, the uncreated energies of God, now animates the unified Body of Christ, which is the Church.

Dodging Sodom

It’s not what I’ve done but what I am that’s the problem. If only actions could condemn, confession would be easy.


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